Thursday, March 25, 2010

Best day ever

Today, as usual, when to skul at noon. bell rang, went into my class. everyone chatting...
and the first period was boring, science bcuz of the teacher...i think she dunno how to teach lo, just read according to the text book...sien la. i feel like sleeping when she was teaching. i don even know wat she was talking about...
During her period, someone went in our class then brin us to dataran to take class photo. And we line up although is not a straight line...haha. And suddenly they said don need to take phoo edi cuz our form teacher din come, go bersalin...n we went back into the class to continue the boring science period...
The bell rang, the sc period finished... its pk period...teacher absent, no teacher enter our class, the best period for me. My fren n i go bersiar-siar during tat, never feel tat way....
...maths period, teacher always come in we oso chatting n chatting. then somebody went in our class, it was the one, she want to brin us to take photo...ok, everyone line up again n we went to dataran...
I, as a ajk need to sit on a chair, so awkwark. but no choice. n i was wondering who gonna replace our form teacher. and....we saw her, dunno how to describe...ok, now there is a problem...the pengawas was missing, 8 of them, they r having spot check...need to look for them to complete tis class picture...then we wait again...
The bell rang, it was moral period now, another boring period...but never mind cuz all of us at the dataran waiting to take photo...then finally pengawas came. we took our class photo...
when back into class after finished taking photo...
After recess, we study in the class...till the last two period, sivik.....yeah!!!again another teacher was absent too...everyone making noise in class. the first period, there was no teacher in the class....
The second period, the replaced teacher went in...but the class was still remain noisy...they boo someone so loud but the teacher din even chap them...n tis is how it end day ever....2C'10 the best class ever...

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